Directions to Whispering Oaks Ranch – Moab, Utah

2025 Road Construction Alert - Please review details concerning La Sal Mountain Loop Road.

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Whispering Oaks Ranch is located on the iconic La Sal Mountain Loop Road, approximately 20 miles southeast of downtown Moab, Utah. GPS can be unreliable in the areas outside of Moab due to intermittent cell service. Please review & print our written directions to have in hand while you travel.

From Moab via Hwy 191, Quickest route 35 – 40 mins

  1. Travel South on Hwy. 191, approximately 5 miles from South Moab.
  2. Turn left on Old Airport Rd.  The sign will read “Ken’s Lake” & “La Sal Loop Rd”.
  3. Turn right on La Sal Loop Rd. and travel 15 miles.  Signs will read Whispering Oaks Ranch.
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From Moab via Hwy. 128, Scenic route, 45 mins.–1 hour

  1. Heading North on Hwy. 191, turn right on Hwy. 128 (before Colorado River bridge). Travel for 15.5 miles.
  2. Turn right @ Castle Valley (La Sal Loop Rd.). The sign will read “Castle Valley”.  Travel for 10.6 miles.
  3. Turn right on La Sal Loop Rd. The sign will read “Moab 45 miles”. Travel for 10.1 miles.
  4. Cedar Bend Lodge Cabin will be on your left, and the other cabins will be on the property to the right.
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From Moab via Sand Flats Rd., Scenic route 45 mins.–1 hour (mostly unpaved)

  1. From Hwy. 191 turn on 400 East. Travel for 0.7 miles.
  2. Turn right on Millcreek Dr. Travel for 0.4 miles.
  3. Go straight on Sand Flats Rd. There is a pay station to enter this recreation area (pavement ends). Travel for 19.4 miles.
  4. Turn right on La Sal Loop Rd. (the pavement begins). Travel for 1.6 miles.
  5. Cedar Bend Lodge Cabin will be on your left, and the other cabins will be on the property to the right.
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From Grand Junction, CO via Hwy 128, 2 –2.5 hours

This route will not take you through Moab:

  1. From Grand Junction, take I-70 West toward Green River, UT, travel for approximately 43 miles.
  2. Take Exit 204 for UT Hwy 128 (Cisco).
  3. Turn left onto US-6/Hwy 128 and travel for approximately 1 mile.
  4. Take your first Right onto Hwy 128 and travel for approximately 26 miles.
  5. Turn Left onto “Lasal Mountain Loop Rd” toward Castle Valley.
  6. After 10.6 miles, turn right to stay on La Sal Mountain Loop Road (sign will read “Moab 45 miles). Travel 10.1 miles.
  7. Cedar Bend Lodge Cabin will be on your left, and the other cabins will be on the property to the right.

Airport Information

CNY: Moab Airport - 15 miles North of Moab

Flights from DEN to CNY are available daily through United Airlines.

  • This flight takes you to the Moab airport, just 15 miles from town.
  • The scenery over the Rockies and into the Moab area is unbeatable. Grab an A/B seat on the flight from DEN-CNY and a C/D seat on the flight from CNY-DEN.
  • As you get into the Moab area, you can see the La Sal Mountains, the Colorado River, Castle Rock, and more!
  • Enterprise rents vehicles at this location, or Moab Shuttles are available

GJT: Grand Junction, CO Airport

A number of airlines fly into the regional airport in Grand Junction, CO. This is just a 1.5 - 2 hour drive to Moab. Larger stores such as Walmart, Sam's Club, and Sprouts are available in Grand Junction.